Lead time is 7-10 business days from time of order, plus transit time. Free shipping on wholesale orders over $500 (before taxes and after any discounts) within Canada & the US. For wholesale orders under $500 a flat rate shipping charge will apply based on your region.

We do not require a minimum order per se; however, we reserve the right to refuse orders that we, at our sole discretion, determine do not qualify for wholesale pricing.

Products must be sold with original packaging. Selling on 3rd party websites such as Amazon, Etsy, or Ebay is NOT permitted.

Please report any damaged or missing product within 5 days of receipt. We are not responsible for damages to goods incurred while shipping to third party customers.

For international orders, our products are exempt from duties under most trade agreements, but please contact your local customs and import offices prior to placing your order as we are not responsible for additional fees incurred by customs/duties/VAT.

Any media obtained from us and remains the exclusive property of Cheeks Ahoy Inc. and must be used in accordance with the Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.

Please reach out to us at should you have any questions :)